
Thursday, October 15, 2009

As we known that writing is the representation of language in a textual medium through the use of a set of signs or symbols (known as a writing system). It is distinguished from illustration, such as cave drawing and painting. Writing is very important for us, sometimes what we want to share better told by a product of writing than we told by our mouth. But, many of people haven’t capability to do that, because people’s writing skill is different each other. Many people are intimidated by writing. Even so, there are times when writing is the best way to communicate, and oftentimes the only way to get your message across.

Since people entered elementary school, to be continued to Junior High School and Senior High School, writing is learned belonging to Indonesian Language lesson. But, writing becomes one of Integrated Skill lectures of English Department in UPI (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia). Students are taught all of techniques and step by step about writing and how to make a good article. In English Department, writing is learned for 3 times (in 3 semesters). There are Writing for General Communication (1st semester), Writing in Professional Context (2nd semester), and Writing for Academic Purposes (3rd semester). Now we’ll focus to explain between Writing for General Communication and Writing in Professional Context.

In the 1st semester of English Department, students learn Writing for General Communication lecture. Lecturer tried to take an eclectic approach to teaching writing. In Writing for General Communication, we introduced many of topics about general communication by lecturer. As a student, we need to be exposed to different kind of writing genres in English as well as the accuracy in structures. We are not just producing the text, but we might work well in our experience of learning writing.

The scope of Writing for General Communication is widely and it has not highly level of materials, because it is formulated for beginner. There are 16 meeting of this lecture, and every meeting student learned different topics that are fixed by a source book. In the 1st meeting, student learned about describing one’s character and appearance. Describing a house and a neighborhood are learned in 2nd and 3rd meeting. Then student learned about giving information and describing information in 4th meeting. Personal news and message are learned in 5th. In the 6th-10th meeting, students are learned about kind of texts, the texts are report, narration, and recount. In the 11th meeting, applying for a job and requesting for a favor are learned. Kind of texts about explanation, news, review and persuading argument are learned in general in the 12th-16th meeting.

In the 2nd semester of English Department, students learn further about writing in Writing in Professional Context, exactly the materials have higher level of difficult and more specific than Writing for General Communication. Writing in Professional Context is one of the parts of Integrated Skills for students in the Study Program of English Department Education in UPI. Writing in Professional Context is focus on the writing of critics, studying kind of text (Exposition, Description, Argumentation, and Narration), and literature, like poems and short story. Student’s writing production is discussed by nearing collaboration with peer editing and tutorial by lecturer.

There are 3 purpose of Writing in Professional Context lecture. The first, students have capability to developing general idea in to an essay. Students can write essay in to a few of kind of text (Exposition, Description, Argumentation, and Narration). The last one, students have capability to developing idea in to literacy, like poem and short story.

In the other side, Writing in Professional Context, has also 16 meeting or session. On the first meeting, the topic is introduction lecture. Second meeting, student learned about Mechanic Editing. Next, student also learned Sentence Editing with essay revision. Identification Trash of Writing Product is learned in the fourth and fifth meeting, students also reading poem and writing poem in this meeting. Writing a Critic and discuss about articles is learned in sixth meeting. Editing Process is learned further on seventh meeting, by collaboration activity as well as editing other student’s written. Mid-test semester is held on 8th meeting. After that, student learned about EDAN (Exposition, Description, Argumentation, and Narration) reading a few of articles and identifying them. On the 10th-14th meeting, student learned further about EDAN one by one. On 15th meeting, students learned about editing narration and editing other student’s short story. The last one of the meeting (16th meeting), students get the last evaluation that explained on the last paragraph.

Based on the explanation before, we know that Writing for General Communication has a different scope if compared with Writing in Professional Context. Writing for General Communication has wider materials area than Writing in Professional Context that has deeper materials. It is easier and special to learn for student in the 1st semester as a basic to continue to Writing in Professional Context lecture in 2nd semester. The important thing that we must remember, both of them is belonging to one of Integrated Skill lecture in English Department. So, student must study hard to get the best score and the best skill in writing.

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